Newbigin on Mission's False Dichotomy...
I promised someone I would post some more 'False Dichotomy' quotes. My equally 'good, learned, and passionate brother', Captain Andrew Clark :o) ( Army Renewal ) is adding some interesting thoughts ( here ). But onto Newbigin... "Here we must face frankly the distortion of the gospel that is perpetrated in a great deal that passes for missionary encounter. A preaching of the gospel that calls men and women to accept Jesus as Saviour but does not make it clear that discipleship means commitment to a vision of society radically different from that which controls our public life today must be condemned as false." pp 132 Newbigin, L (1986) Foolishness to the Greeks : The gospel and western culture. spck Ow! and a bit more Newbigin to chew over... "So words without deeds are empty, but deeds without words are dumb. It is stupid to set them against each other. It is, for example, stupid to say “The one thing that matters is to go everywhere and preach the gosp...