7 marks of a healthy church... 2/7
" Energized by faith seems to be a foundation characteristic . At the heart of these churches and their members is a reality about their awareness of the presence, goodness and love of God. Faith is the fuel on which these churches run." Warren, R (2004) The Healthy Churches' Handbook. Church House Publishing Seems a little obvious on first read through but it got me thinking about the danger of an 'unreality of awareness' theology. It got me thinking about a theology formed out of a self comforting preoccupation with self, turning mission into something it was never intended to me, a theology that turns mission into an activity of church and away from being an attribute of a our missionary God. I've got a feeling that keeping 'the presence, goodness and love of God' real in all that we do communicates to our "Thanks ... but no thanks" post-Christian culture.