Derek's Lucazade...
It's funny what relationships at Faith House do to you. Last time I was at Faith House I stood outside with Derek as he drunkenly smoked his roll up, we chatted. I liked being on the door when at youth club in Poplar, it was where discussions happened. This felt the same as we talked about what it is to be a minister, a Christian, and '** dy cyclists'! Derek got to know me a little more and I got to know Derek that little more. We shared something of each other. I saw his lucozade bottle tucked inside his jacket, it is always there, ready. His supposed life line. He caught me looking at the bottle. I laughed, "Derek I love Lucozade ..." "You wouldn't like this Lucozade ..." his reply sharp. "It's a different colour to what I remember, is it new?". Derek looks up and says "No...!", "...perhaps I could have a sip", "NO - you wouldn't like THIS Lucozade ..!" I snigger and he knows I'm pulli...