
Showing posts from March, 2011

Power of Words...

"...a library is as holy a place as any temple..." "How like a winter hath my absence been from thee.." Doestoevsky - Words have power writes Buechner. "Words written fifty years ago, a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, can have as much of this power today as ever they had it then to come alive for us an in us and make us more alive within ourselves... even across great distances of time and space do they ever lose their capacity for becoming incarnate. And when these words tell of vitue and nobility, when they move us closer to that truth and gentleness of spirit by which we become fully human, the reading of them is sacramental and a library is as holy a place as any temple." Buechner, F., & Connor, G. (1992:170ff). Listening to your life: daily meditations with Frederick Buechner . San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

It's been a while...

"So would that only be for what you consider to be heaven or are you saved for here and now? " It's been a while since I have been evangelised and I have to admit it left me feeling a little annoyed but I am trying to work out exactly why? Two well meaning young men tooled up with no doubt the latest in hip communicating tracts accosted me on the street and just came right out with it. "So are you saved?" I guess I wouldn't have minded if had they introduced themselves even in a nominal way to establish the semblance of a context. Perhaps I wouldn't have minded if I wasn't in full uniform (including cap btw!) trying to raise money to bring hope and fullness to those who experience the hell of life confronting them the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep. However, I smile and politely say that I firmly believe I am and I wondered whether they too were saved. "Oh yes" they smile. "So would that only be for what you ...

A plea to learn our history...

Frank Viola makes a plea to learn our history here . Why? Beacause in missional and discipleship terms he considers that we are "peppered with many converts to Christianity who possessed fire-insurance policies, but few of them were actually following Jesus as this world’s true Lord." Good article thanks Simon ;o)