A Free Download (Reprise)

What is Missional Church: An Introduction to the Missional Church Conversation
One Man's Journey Into Mission
By Alan Roxburgh

Download Now!

What I failed to tell you is that there three parts to this resource.

There is the (1) introduction (above), then there is a course helping congregations to identify and explore what it is to be missional beyond that of a catchy little buzzword. The down loads include a (2) participants work book and a (3) presenters guide.

This is a useful tool all thanks to allelon


Anonymous said…
Hello Gordon

Thanks for this link - very good timing. We are just 2 months into a new appointment and our Corps is seeking to move ahead

I hope you are enjoying being at The Training College


Anonymous said…
Thanks for this Gordon. It's now downloaded and ready to be read as soon as I get a chance!
Hi gordon it's michelle julies daughter how are you?
When are you coming to visit us at midweek worship
Gordon said…
Hi Michelle , we're all fine. Heh I've been to Poplar twice on sunday mornings inthe last month - where were you both :o)

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