Towards Vision 3/4
Another bit of Warren (Robert not Rick!) from a little book called Building Missionary Congregations. Published in 1995 so a little dated but nevertheless a helpful pointer for those talking about vision. "The following is a list of the marks of a missionary congregation. However, it is important to note that this is based largely on theoretical work. Another list needs urgently to be constructed out of observation of what actually happens on the ground. The two need then to be in dialogue. Either list has the potential to 'convert' the other list; both stand to gain and be enriched. 1. Celebration. This is taken in its widest sense and refers to the ability and desire to enjoy life and the gifts that God has given, and to participate in celebrating the new humanity modelled for us in Christ, opened up to humanity by his death and resurrection. 2. Whole life Christianity. Expressing faith in God in the whole of life. The focus of church life would shift from 'church o...