Books 2006
Books I've read this year...
- Sansom,C. J.(2006)Winter in Madrid
- Boa, K(2001)Conformed to His Image
- Rice, A(2006)Christ the Lord: Out of Eygpt
- Holland, D(2003)The Ripple Effect
- Hughes, G(2004)God in all Things
- Chalke , S. (2006) Intelligent Church. Zondervan
- McGrath, A. (1999) The Unknown God: Searching for Spiritual Fulfilment. Lion
- Drury, K. (1991) Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People. Wesley Press
- Elton, B(2005)Past Mortem
- Merton, T(2005) Contemplative Prayer
- Pungente, J.J. and Williams, M.(2005)Finding God in the Dark
- Bourne, S.(2006)The Righteous Men
- Hughes, G(1996)God of Surprises
- Elton, B.(2005)Dead Famous
- Leech, K.(2003)Soul Friend
- McEwan, I.(2003)Atonement
- Fleming, D.(2004)Leadership Wisdom from Unlikely Voices: People of Yesterday Speak to Leaders of Today
- Willard, D(2002)Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
- Roxburgh, A.J.(2005)The Sky is Falling - Leaders Lost in Transition
- Runcorn, D(2006)Spirituality Workbook
- Sweet, L. (2004)Summoned to Lead: Leaders are neither born nor made
- Elton, B. (2005) The First Casualty
- Collins, A. (2003) Where Did It All Go Right?: Growing Up Normal in the 70s
- McGregor, E and Boorman, C.(2004) Long Way Round: Chasing Shadows Across the World
- Houghton, J(2004) Outhere - A Different way of Being
- Rowling J.K.(2005) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Foster, R(1998) Streams of Living Water
- Picoult, J(2001) Salem Falls
- Bauckham, R(2005) Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World
- Coutts, F (1957) The Call to Holiness
- Railton, G.S (1909)Soldiers of Salvation
- Mayo, B., Savage, S. and Collins, S (2004) Ambiguous Evangelism. SPCK
- Booth, C. (1881) Papers on Godliness
- Booth, C. (1880) Aggressive Christianity
- Manning, B. (2000) Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin's Path to God.spck
- Hornby, N (2001) How to be Good. Penguin
- Warren, R (1995) Building Missionary Congregations. Zondervan
- Bell, R (2005) Velvet Elvis. Zondervan
- Seierstad, A. (2004)The Bookseller of Kabul
- Ryan, G (2001)Sowing Dragons: Essays in Neo-Salvationism
- Schwarz, C.A. and Schalk, C (1996)Natural Church Development Handbook
- Schwarz, C.A. and Schalk, C (1997)Natural Church Development Implementation Manual
- Hunsberger, G.R.. (1998) Bearing the witness of the spirit: Lesslie Newbigin’s Theology of Cultural Plurality
- Guder, D. (2000) The Continuing Conversion of the Church
- Wallace, D. (2005) The Yes Man
- Hughes, G(1996)God of Surprises
- Bell, R (2005) Velvet Elvis. Zondervan
- Houghton, J(2004) Outhere - A Different way of Being
- Roxburgh, A.J.(2005)The Sky is Falling - Leaders Lost in Transition
- Wallace, D. (2005) The Yes Man