I believe...?

Every day I drive past the police murder incident boards, the sorry flowers laid with a sprawled dignity.

Every day I drive through a community that came to infamy as the place where 11 year old Damilola Taylor - 6 years ago was stabbed to death and left to die at the bottom of a stairwell.

Every day I drive through the same community that is now coming to terms with two fatal shootings and a stabbing in the last few weeks. Even from the cocooned safety of the car the heaviness of fear and sadness can be felt as the community suffers senseless youth retribution

As I waited at the junction by Damilola's school, as I read the inscription on his memorial, the CD I borrowed moved to track 5 and these words originally scratched onto a cellar wall by Jews hiding from the Gestapo in Nazi Germany, created an interesting mix. The haunting repetition seemed today to be for this corner of Peckham.

I believe in the sun even when it is not shining
I believe in love even when I cannot feel it
I believe in God even when He is silent
I believe...


Anonymous said…
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Hebrews 11:1

Yes I believe - even when there is no evidence. I believe because God has promised and He is no man's debtor!
Anonymous said…
I always enjoy your musings Gordon. Your poignant quote did my soul good. Grant
Gordon said…
Thanks karyn, Habakkuk fits perfectly... thanks

Grant - glad the quote helped, thanks for popping by!

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