Lost Lyrics - Dear Lord, I Do Surrender

We sang the first and last verse of this song last week and the relationship between mission and spiritual formation jumped out at me from between the antiquated prose!

Dear Lord, I do surrender

Myself, my all, to thee;
My time, my store, my talents,
So long withheld by me.
I've heard the call for workers.
The world's great need I see,
O send me to the rescue,
I'm here, my Lord, send me!


Here am I, my Lord, send me,
Here am I, my Lord, send me,
I surrender all to obey thy call,
Here am I, my Lord, send me.

O hear, thou God of Heaven,
The vows that now I make!
To thee my life is given,
'Tis for the lost world's sake.
To serve thee I am ready,
Though friends and foes despise,
I now present my body
A living sacrifice.

W. Walker


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