my first blog

Well here we go my first blog! Where I will post my thoughts and theological reflections as I go about what I have been sent to by God as a Salvation Army officer within the intense Urban context of Poplar and the East End of London, UK.

Mission in the context of Missio Dei is what drives me. It has ever since I stumbled upon a Jurgen Moltmann observation:

“Evangelism is mission but mission is not merely evangelism” (Moltmann 1977).

Here was I led to believe that mission was a euphemism for evangelism, a trendy term for winning the world for Jesus - but it is so much more. My journey is about finding out more about Jesus, his life, his mission and how I can reflect that in my life to my community.

My mulling, musing and pondering probably - no certainly - will be of no consequence to anyone but it will be of every consequence to me!


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