We're back...

A successful weekend of camping in West Sussex with the family and two great friends. Renting a motor launch to navigate the river Arun in the shadow of Arundel Castle a big highlight. Running in the bluebell strewn lanes with rabbits underfoot a bit different from running along the Thames. A good break


Kathryn said…
Welcome home! The holiday sounds excellent...I love the Arun and with its mad meanderings. Bit like life, really ;-)
Hope there were no dramatic surprises awaiting you in Poplar on your return.
Gordon said…
yep it does meander somewhat - at times I could've sworn someone had moved the castle!! All was well when we got back thanks!
Anonymous said…
I'll say there were surely some surprises. Maybe a trip to Liverpool on your next Boots conference. Missed you at Roots. Shaw
Rob said…
good to see you back - we must find that bluewater date soon!

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