reality of 'heaven on earth' at Faith House...

mission is not want we magnanimously do for others but is about what we become together, bringing the kingdom into being. This is the reality of 'heaven on earth'.

A regular feature at Faith House has been the development of a thought to round off the evening, each of the volunteers take a turn to share something of their thinking. This week it was my turn and I finished my thought by thanking the guys at faith house and by letting them know how much they bring to my life.

"This has become an important part of my community; I don't come to Faith House to make cups of tea and give out fish finger sandwiches ... I come because I want to be here, I am who I am because of what you share of you with me... together we are community".

Frank chips in, looks around at the 10 or so of us in the room.

"I don't come because of the tea and fish fingers either, I come because it is important that I am with you all as well, you are family..!"

Last week Frank managed to stay behind as we were clearing up after the drop in. "I'd like to pray with you all..." This was not a scam to stay longer and Frank's heart felt prayer of thanks will be a prayer that I will not forget ... ever!

It's really made me think about how mission is not want we magnanimously do for others but is about what we become together, bringing the kingdom into being. This is the reality of 'heaven on earth'.


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