Unikely conversations...

It isn't everyday you have the Calvinism vs. Arminianism conversation in the foyer of a 'brothel'.

"So would you then be a Calvinist in your theology..?"

He caught me a little unawares. "No ... essentially we fall more on the Arminian side of things when it comes to pre-destination".

His eyes lit up, "so how do you equate that thinking with scripture which clearly suggests that once we are saved we are always saved. What do you do with Romans 8 for instance?" Our conversation over the next 15 minutes rolled backwards and forwards as we discussed the consequences 0f free-will and choice. I've had these conversations elsewhere, but there was something a little more memorable about this debate. It isn't everyday you have the Calvinism vs. Arminianism conversation in the foyer of a 'brothel'.

Dave became a Christian when he was a mercenary in the Congo and is the bouncer of one of the sauna's that Faith House reaches out to. It was Dave that complained to Estelle and pointed out it was all very good her team meeting with the girls but who came to see him. So as I get to know Dave I find that he is keen to talk theology, spirituality and discipleship with someone.

We left him watching a video on Youtube that the last session of cadets made for their commissioning; the soundtrack, a band march blared through the public spaces of the entire 'brothel' brought a certain and pertinent irony - 'The Liberators'.


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