knowing, being and doing...

Commissioning last year was conducted by The General, as part of his sermon he highlighted what Luther saw as the characteristics of a minister of religion.
  • Study - mind
  • Prayer - heart
  • Affliction - empathy completed only then with action
I wish I could find the reference as it resonates with Catherine Booth's thoughts of officers who should be people of head, hearts and hands. The strength of WBC for those who can see it is the commitment to encourage a framework of knowing, being and doing.

There is a difference between the function of training that is shaped by the 'essence' of ministry and that of a function of training that is shaped by the 'form' of ministry. Luther's characteristics are a good reminder of what should shape what training should take.

I've just seen the plans for the new reception at WBC; when it is finished will be dominated by Jeremiah 3:15.

"I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding."

A good reminder!


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