Enslaved and shackled...

Larry Warner has written a book that I have been helpfully journeying with all year - 'Discovering the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius'. I'm also finding his website b-ing.org helpful. His monthly email particularly is worth receiving. Here is part of this months...

"We live in a world that runs at high speed. We live lives crammed with activities, distractions. We crave the rush, the newest, the fastest, the sleekest. We are producers, social climbers, accumulators, prestige hounds, experience seekers, adrenaline junkies. We are enslaved by and shackled to busyness, whether at work or play, believing it to be a gateway to all we need to feel significant, valued, even loved. And our culture, and sadly even the Church, seems to affirm this lie, applauding us for the frenetic pace and overloaded schedules. However, this hectic living does not bring health, healing or wholeness to our souls, but violence, robbing us of the ability to experience God in the now of our lives. For when we live this way we are not present to the present or the Presence, but instead we are continually transitioning from one kind of doing to another kind of doing. It is this e-v-i-l pace (evil = live spelled backwards; so as I use evil here I am referring to living life in a way that is the opposite of the life God created us to l-i-v-e) that severely hinders our experiencing God and that which God has provided for us through the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus. "


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