We are all completely beside ourselves....

Book Club at Suttonsa continues to grow and always seems to stimulate great discussion. While "We are all completely beside ourselves" for many different reasons, was not my favourite, the discussion tonight made it well worthwhile.

Here are some of my page fold overs.... 

"There are moments when history and memory seem like mist, as if what really happened matters less than what should have happened. The mist lifts and suddenly there we are.... I see how, in a family like mine, love doesn't have to be earned and it can't be lost. Just for a moment, I see us that way; I see us all. Restored and repaired. Reunited and refulgent." 28

"Language does this to our memories-simplifies, solidifies, codifies, mummifies. And oft-told story is like a photograph in the family album; eventually, it replaces the moment it was meant to capture." 48

"It terrifies me to think that, come summer, there will be no more hiding, no more passing. Everyone from the woman who cuts my hair to the Queen of England might know who I am. Not who I really am, of course, but an airbrushed version of me, more marketable, easier to love... I still haven't found the place where I can be my true self. But maybe you never get to be your true self, either". 298


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