Salvation Army grid::blog

Just a thought to try.

It seems that daily there are salvationist blogging - if we title a blog entry as above we could link together through a google search. Could be a good way of linking up - or you could leave me there by myself - a real Billy no mates!

Get "Salvation Army grid::blog" in the title - spread the word and lets see how many sally's blog!


Sorry to any baptist, CofE, Methodists etc... and anyone else who feel left out in this parochial exercise.


Naomi said…
Alright, dude. I suspect you're nuts, but hey - that just endears you to me. :-)
Chris H said…
Sounds good, I'll give it a go.

An alternative is also to set up some kind of blog-ring, where each army blog links to the next in a ring... what do you think?
Carl said…
This grid::blog thing is new to me - does my post have to have anything specific in it, or just have that title?
Gordon said…
it should have "Salvation Army grid::blog " in the the title. In theory when we google "Salvation Army grid::blog" we should all pop up!
Tim said…
I also don't quite understand it, but am going to give it a shot.
Tim said…
Please let me know if I did it right.
Tim said…
Ok, I tried it, but google didn't pull me up. I think we should try the blog ring thing. Anybody know how to set one of those up???
Gordon said…
patience Tim

Try 'salvation army :: grid blog' in the google blog search that is on the blogger home page
Chris H said…
You'll have to wait for Google to re-index your site before it picks up any "Salvation AArmy Grid::blog"s - it'll just take a little while.
blogblogblog said…
Since we're all Salvationists and love initials and abbreviations, couldn't we just shorten it to SAG::b?
Gordon said…
I should have thought of that! The ball seems to have started to roll now tho'
I Wazere said…
My search without the :: reveals you're number one!
Anonymous said…
The best way to link salvation army blog would be to have a site devoted to blog. And useing xml sope or jave to map the web for salvation army blog. I would love to if I had the time do something like this.
Gordon said…
I'm a non techy to be honest but it sounds great!

I was hoping that google might have caught up with a few more by now. Nevertheless the google blog search has thrown up some names

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