The Chikankata challenge...

"our ambulance broke down, resulting in the death of one newly born baby and severe complications in another delivery case..."

Nick will tell you more here

'Two weeks ago our ambulance broke down, resulting in the death of one newly born baby and severe complications in another delivery case. On Friday we were given the news that the Chikankata Hospital Ambulance is in need of an ambulance itself as it is very ill! Basically we need a new ambulance desperately.'

Here's the idea...

to find 200 people willing and daft enough to donate £10 towards a new ambulance. The 'catch' is that donatees (obviously it should be donors, but donatees seems to have more of a ring!) can only donate £10 and not a penny more!

My role is to find 10 people to feed into Nick's syndicate. Are you up for it?

Email me - and I send you an address where to send your cheques to - or paypal me and I'll write the cheque.


You can read more of the ministry of this hospital at Charlie Chikankata.


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