Mission as a foretaste...

Signposts quote from The Missional Leader : Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World
"The question is familiar: “What do you mean by missional church?” Even though the term is now used everywhere, there is still confusion about it. As we begin this book, here is a brief description of what we mean by the phrase.God is about a big purpose in and for the whole of creation. The church has been called into life to be both the means of this mission and a foretaste of where God is is inviting all creation to go. Just as its Lord is a mission-shaped God, so the community of God’s people exists, not for themselves but for the sake of the work. Mission is therefore not a program or project some people in the Church do from time to time (as in “mission trip”, “mission budget” and so on); the church’s very nature is to be God’s missionary people. We use the word missional to mark this big difference. Mission is not about a project or a budget or a one-off event somewhere; its not even about a sending missionaries. A missional church is a community of God’s people who live into the imagination that they are by their very nature, God’s missionary people living as a demonstration of what God plans to do in and for all of creation in Jesus Christ.” (Roxburugh and Romanuk 2006)
Thanks to Prodigal Kiwi(s) again!


Thomas said…
i heard you were driving the minibus for summer club tomorrow.

thats it....come up club while thomas is away...lol joking hope the move went well!
lucy ar said…
Awesome paragraph. thanks
Liam said…
That is a huge paragraph when we take it seriously.

Easy words to read, hard words to live.
Anonymous said…
A great find there Gordon. I've posted on something similar today out of Journeying Out.

It's the last sentence that does it for me. Finally I am understanding the depth to the Church's calling. We are supposed to be a kingdom people living out its values as "a demonstration of what God plans to do in and for all of creation in Jesus Christ."

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