Culling Facebook Friends...

I can hardly believe it but I quite miss them now they are no longer around.

For several years I have been bombarded by e-mails from speculators from Africa wanting to be my buddy, wanting to be my best friend. I've changed my ISP and email address so no longer do I hear from William Zuma from Swaziland; Mrs Janet Komoah from Ghana; Mrs. Grace Edward from Botswana; Brother Jeff Ikey from Zimbabwe; Mrs. Susan Shabangu or Deacon Allen from Nigeria wanting me to share in untold millions. I miss their friendship that knew no bounds. Their concern as they tried really hard to get to know all about me. Their empathy for my family as they try to align themselves to my life. I miss their interest as they want to share my life. Their agenda my bank account!!

But not to worry I now have people I hardly know wanting to be my friend on Facebook. It is all a bit bizzare to me - it is great that I have been able to catch up with genuine friends; re-connect with the Youth Club at Poplar; connect with family across the world - but on the whole 50% of those listed on my friends list I consider acquaintences, some even good, but not friends. There is another agenda thing going on - these 'friends' are after another form of currency that is counted in the amount of friends they have listed. I'm a Facebook scalp.

Friendship with an agenda of stealth can never be friendship. I still shudder at the instructions that we as Christians need to get out and make friends in order to evangelise them. It is so easy to see through, a shadow of what evangelism should be.

No offence if I once met you in a lift 5 years ago; or met you at a friend of a cousin's wedding - unless you send me £5 you are - just like friendship evangelism by stealth - history!


Kapten Clark said…
I've stated on my Facebook profile that my goal is 150 friends, and NO MORE! So every now and then I also cull my list.

There are some people I've gotten to know through Facebook.

But there are others I have no connection with whatsoever -- online or in real life.

Feel free to cut me (if you haven't already!) and please don't feel bad if I cut you!

I tend to have some remorse and add some people back later. ;-)
I just checked...I think I survived the cull...I'm touched!

Hope all is well!
Hi, I'm Richard from Zambia.......
Gordon said…
Richard my band details are 0812472947 help yourself
Cagey said…
Hi Gordon - sorry I didn't make the final list :-[ (Although I do understand where you are coming from!!)

I'm new to this blogging lark but having read your post I've been inspired to write my own thoughts on this whole Facebook thing - I'd be grateful for your feedback!

Have a good day.


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