Brueggemann's daydreams....

Brueggemann in Hope for the World asks us to imagine:
  • A congregation with a limited-scope but deeply embraced mission, not needing to be God's sole agent in the neighbourhood.

  • A congregation with a clear gospel, but open to allies, not needing to be a lone presence in the community.

  • A congregation saturated with Easter-rooted hope, offering an alternative to communities of fear, anger, and greed , an alternative given in vulnerability and generosity. (2007:11)

Can you catch that dream?


Anonymous said…
Thank you for this - and pointing me to Brueggeman's thoughts. Pity our friend (Armybarmy Blog 20 January 2008)couldn't feel the same way. The blog certainly smacks of a cultural snobbery and imperial arrogance that is idolatrous boasting and quite disrespectful of our brothers and sisters in other parts of the body of Christ. Wayne

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