NT Wright on Hell...

Given that we are constantly told in evangelical circles that hell should be a motivating factor it is always interesting to me that our theology in this regards is a little patchy. I've just come across this on YouTube.

*Sorry I should have explained that there are 14 clips that I clumped together. Scroll along them and you can find the one specifically on hell.


IanH said…
Good clip but it doesn't actually mention hell.
Gordon said…
Sorry I should have explained that there are 14 clips that I clumped together. Scroll along them and you can find it.
Heather's place said…

Thanks for link. I like what the Bishop has to say on all sorts of things (even if I do have to think hard about what he has to say).

How do you see his comments on hell explaining or contradicting doctrine 11?

We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.

Gordon said…
Hi Heather


Perhaps we need to address this through looking at the concept of end times within a framework that is given us in scripture culminating within Rev 21/22.

Perhaps we look at the key themes and ask ourselves through what lens they were made sense of. What shapes their definition. Medieval imagery or the lense of Jesus' ministry.

I think NT would take issue with immortality of the soul which he sees as Platoism and doesn't go with the idea of resurrected bodies. Apart from that I think it is a question of definition.
Gordon said…
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