Entertaining Angels...
I watched Entertaining Angels recently and enjoyed the story of Dorothy Day. In many ways the film is slightly twee, disturbing that Martin Sheen is no longer President in the West Wing but a French Canadian eccentric, however there are some great insights to the life of this highly influential woman. Well worth borrowing!
What caught my attention was the opening quote:
"I wanted the abundant life... I did not have the slightest idea how to find it." (Dorothy Day)
Interesting to think how the concept of fullness of life drove this great woman of God, motivated her in an activism that made sense of her relationship with God. Tagged an anarchist and communist for living an alternative gospel life for the desperate, she seemingly pointed out what it was to live a life beyond self for others. A life of salt and light beyond handy little sermon heads for a Sunday.
It made me think about the framework of 'abundant life' and how we try to grasp that for ourselves rather than try to discover it through 'being' for others.
What caught my attention was the opening quote:
"I wanted the abundant life... I did not have the slightest idea how to find it." (Dorothy Day)
Interesting to think how the concept of fullness of life drove this great woman of God, motivated her in an activism that made sense of her relationship with God. Tagged an anarchist and communist for living an alternative gospel life for the desperate, she seemingly pointed out what it was to live a life beyond self for others. A life of salt and light beyond handy little sermon heads for a Sunday.
It made me think about the framework of 'abundant life' and how we try to grasp that for ourselves rather than try to discover it through 'being' for others.
10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 10:10 (NIV)