The sold out church...?

It seems there are sold out churches and then there are sold out churches - which are you comfortable being part of?

"...there are pastors and churches that have ignored the counter-cultural value system of the Christian faith...churches should promote an alternative way of thinking and being in order to 'achieve' in a radically different way, with values based on the model that Jesus lays down for believers. When a church is sold out, it has no viable alternatives to offer. It becomes just another 'gang' competing for turf and resources in the community…"

Beckford, R. (2004). God and the Gangs: An Urban Toolkit for Those Who Won't Be Sold Out, Bought Out or Scared Out.

Sold out...? No viable alternative...? Just another gang...?

It comes to something when our evangelism more resembles a 'slick-back-haired' encyclopaedia sales rep than the gospel. It comes to something when our churches are seen as offering no viable alternative. It comes to something our churches represent just another competing gang. It comes to something when we know deep down that's what we represent but do nothing about it - but perpetuate.

Sorry I can't stomach it - I don't want to belong to an opt out church, a church pre-occupied with self. I want to be part of a church that represents the alternative way of thinking and being based on the model that Jesus lays down for us.


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