The cloak of Humanitarian Work...?

Sorting out some old correspondance I turned up an old piece of Viglen Corporate material. It reminded me of the morning spent - several years back now- with the chairman of Viglen Computers. He wanted to come and see how his company could help.

We spent the morning chatting about the ethos of our work. Our motivation for youth and community work.

"So you spend all this time trying to get yourself into a position to evangelise these people then? To tell them that they need the Lord!" he added sarcastically.

"Not really..." I replied "...that would be as abusive as you wanting to give us computers only so that you can put it in your promotional material to make your company look better." He lost his sardonic smile. I saw our IT suite disappear - but was able to then talk about grace!

Very generous to TSA elsewhere we didn't get as much as a floppy disc from Viglen for our IT suite, but they still got their story how they help the under privileged in the East End of London.

I smiled as I threw the report in the bin!
"I hold that proselytising under the cloak of humanitarian work is to say the least unhealthy…. Why should I change my religion because a doctor who professes Christianity has cured me of some disease?" (Ghandi)

[In Viglens defence we did get some courtesy tickets to see Tottenham v Fulham. Pictured our eventual IT suite anyway.]


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