
Sieger Köder’s “'Cornerstone'” was the focus for another evening of meditation with selected verses from Scripture, spoken prayer, poetry and silence. Following the success of Embrace I was really looking forward to the evening!!

A 200% increase in attendance wasn't bad - there were three of us this time sharing together the hidden nuances evoked within by the art and poetry. I came away acutely aware of my contribution to the weight on his shoulders; acutely aware of his determination and resolve; acutely aware of the driving force behind mission, church engagement with our community. As we considered our response we prayed "do not allow us to neglect those who are crushed by their own mistakes, those who feel rejected..."


'A Time to Celebrate - The Folly of God' is a wonderful resource using the Art and Inspiration of Sieger Köder published by St Paul Multimedia Productions


Hey Gord...

Check out the blog for an article I picked up - thought it might ring some bells for you!

Hope you're all well!

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