Making "somebody" out of the "nobodies"

Prodigal Kiwi(s) recently had this gem of a quote. The rest of the post is here

If [mission] starts on the periphery of society [i.e. among the marginalized, the forgotten, the trampled under foot, and the excluded], if it works from the bottom up, the good news of God’s kingdom visibly demonstrated and credibly announced as a message of liberating love, justice, and… [Shalom].

When the gospel makes “somebody” out of the “nobodies” of society, when it restores the self-worth of the marginalized, when it enables the oppressed to have reason for hope, when it empowers the poor to struggle and suffer for justice and peace, then it is truly good news of a new order of life – the saving power of God (Rom. 1:16).”

Orlando Costas (quote by Mark Gornik in his book, To Live in Peace, p.63-64)
It resonated with some thoughts in Court, S and Campbell, W. (2004) Be a Hero: The Battle for Mercy and Social Justice. Destiny


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