Being in tune with God ...
Paul Fromont at Prodigal Kiwi(s) has been interviewed at NextReformation. This quote caught my eye and encouraged me in my life post-Poplar as I work on Spiritual Formation material for TSA Training College.
"Spirituality, it seems to me, has a lot to do with what David Bosch describes as being in tune with what God is doing in the world and participating in God’s work (missio Dei). It also has to do with being in tune with what God is doing inwardly in us – for this too is part of the missio Dei."Mission without holiness makes as little sense as holiness without mission!
Warmest blessings,
Eleanor n/TSSF
The question I would ask of people is,
what are you sharing, if you aren't sharing what God is doing in your life?
Isn't that the point of testimonies, to share what God is doing in our life to encourage others to ask what God is doing in their life?