Sharing the Gospel of Salvation...

Following a debate in February 2009, the General Synod asked the House of Bishops to produce a report on “their understanding of the uniqueness of Christ in Britain’s multi-faith society [and to include] examples and commendations of good practice in sharing the gospel of salvation through Christ alone with people of other faiths and of none”. A small group led by the Bishop of Willesden, the Rt Revd Pete Broadbent; the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, the Rt Revd Paul Butler; and the Bishop of Birmingham’s Adviser on Inter Faith Relations, the Revd Dr Toby Howarth, drafted the document, which was subsequently commended by the House of Bishops at its recent meeting. (more here)

Sharing the Gospel of Salvation... report here

Here's a taster...

"Christ’s saving work is not a commodity to be sold but a gift to be shared. If we keep always in mind the central insight that it is not we who bring others to Christ but God working in them, we can avoid colluding with the marketing mindset which would paint every evangelist as a huckster and portray God’s children as ‘targets’ for conversion. When our encounters with our neighbours, of other faiths and none, are distinguished from exercises in salesmanship, we can be confident that we are sharing God’s love rather than marketing another lifestyle choice. "


Anonymous said…
Great quote! Love it.

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