Images of Church...
I seem fast becoming a Prodigal Kiwi(s) groupie!
Alan Jamieson uses two pictures to illustrate what church should and shouldn't be (here). His insights are well worth a read.
"The Church at Auver" painted by Van Gogh and the classic "Blitzed St Paul's" convey distinct and contrasting images of church. Alan Jamieson has them on his wall - I want them on mine now too as a reminder of what church should and shouldn't be. One standing for hope amoungst fragmentation and destruction - the other standing as an irrelevant out of shape obstacle to be walked around.
Cyber church seems to be a vital add-on for a lot of Christians I come across who are taking a break from the 'real' thing. But it isn't enough, and I would not want to rely on it for sustenance. It gives some nourishment, but just not enough. The prayer rooms are the best resource within it I think. There I can find people to pray with usually, regardless of the time of day or night or topic on my mind. For example I was able to undertake to pray with others every day for LArche Manchester, and that is possible through the Christian chats. It would be difficult in my neighbourhood.
The Third Order Franciscans, (my order) are growing fast, which is interesting. Even there though, some of the younger brothers and sisters are casting around for deeper spiritual nourishment and more impetus, challenge and encouragement for mission.
pax et bonum
Among other things I saw colour, familiarity and informality (things I like) against formality, distance and bleakness.
I often use powerpoint to put together images to illustrate music we use in worship. My response to these pictures has given me something to think about.
Interesting isn't it. I may blog some more thoughts myself.