Dallas Willard on Spiritual Formation... 2/9

"So for us, it is above all the spirit or will, that must be reached, cared for, and transformed in spiritual formation. The human will is primarily what must be given a godly nature, and this must then expand its governance over the entire personality.”

Transforming the mind

The degree to which we are distracted is critical to acknowledge in that our choices and outlook on life, direction are affected. Dallas Willard points out that :-
“Each aspect or dimension of the person will be a source of weakness or strength to the whole person, depending upon the condition it is in, and the condition it is in will depend, finally, upon the heart. A person who is prepared and capable of responding to the situations of life in ways that is good and right is a person whose soul is in order, under the direction of a well-kept heart, under the direction of God.” (pp38)

Willard, D(. 2002) Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
This takes Holiness out of the bracket of a legalistic retreat from the world but becomes a highly charged and explosive momentum into the world. A ‘soul in order’ will know what it is called to in the light of God’s mission and will embrace the values of the Kingdom and the attributes of God beyond that of a theology - that NT Wright worries is based on 19th century hymn writers.

How can we think of living out God’s agenda, if our inner being is filled with all the thoughts, feelings and habits that characterize a world which denies God? Willard points out:-
"...if I intend to obey Jesus Christ, I will intend and decide to become the kind of person who would obey and be like Jesus. The means to that end are not all directly under my control, for some are the actions of God toward me and in me. But some are directly under my control..."
Spiritual Formation becomes more than a process or a module to teach or a trendy past time in which to find your identity. It starts with intention and decision that can only come from the spectacular gift of sanctifying recognition - then rolls on as a lifestyle centred on transforming the will through retraining of thinking by study and meditation on Christ.

Dallas Willard on Spiritual Formation... 1/9


Gordon said…
Andrew Bale are you there???

I'd love that first point you mentioned on saturday about the first step of recognition that was in an old O&R.

Good to chat ... still recovering from the hug!! :o)
Way cool. I go for 'under the direction of a well-kept heart. That speaks to me of the kind of lectio divina approach used by people like Sister Macrina Wiederkehr. A 'listening heart' and 'tending the fields of the heart' echo here. The transformation begins in the act of listening.
Wonderful stuff,
Warmest blessings
Eleanor n/TSSF
Fred and Wendy said…
I'll be simple in my response: Great Post!

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