Junk Faith....

We should be asking "what is to the greater glory of God" rather than "what is the right thing to do" (Hughes 2004)

"It has always been commonly supposed that faith requires some element of humility on the part of the worshipper. Some sense of awe in the smallness of oneself and the vastness of creation! But not anymore! Yours is a generation that sees God as some kind of vague counselor! There to tell you what you want to hear when you want to hear it and to be entirely forgotten about in between
times! You have invented a junk faith and you ask it to justify your junk culture" (Elton 2005:338)
Elton, B.(2005) Dead Famous

Yes that is right .......... Ben Elton!

Gerald Hughes points out that a good antidote to our self-absorbed approach to God in prayer is to wean ourselves away from the urge to pray for the right thing to do. We should be asking "what is to the greater glory of God" rather than "what is the right thing to do" (Hughes 2004)

Hughes, G(2004) God in all Things


Anonymous said…
Every so often a quote just hits you between the eyes. The Gerald Hughes one did that for me!

Thanks Gordon!

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