the indelible essence of embrace...

It was good to meet some new people this week while doing some teaching in Toronto; to make friends and find kindred spirits!! I loved being with a crowd that were just so eager not only to serve but to discover what that means. It was great to be invited and to be able to get caught up with the vision of the regional youth guy Nathanael Homewood and to support him inspiring young Christan's to be active in mission to a depth I've not seen in that generation.
The essence may not have been uniform, brass bands and guersey's; nor was it a self indulgence of video loops, coffee, Coldplay and candles - it was a love for the whosoever.

I loved what I saw at the FRWY and I captured something of the indelible essence that is undeniably 'salvation army'; the way that community comes together whatever their background to support and nurture their own versions of 'Patrick' was beautiful. While to some perhaps unorthodox and even a threat - I'd say look at the essence and see how TSA in these kind of contexts embrace the excluded and engage with the broken in ways that the em. ch need still largely to learn. The essence may not have been uniform, brass bands and guernsey's; nor was it a self indulgence of video loops, coffee, Coldplay and candles - it was a love for the whosoever. I loved spending time with Pernell and his family and hearing him articulate what it is to blur the encounter of church with community through mission in the 'third place'.

I loved what I saw at Regent's Park and the 614 ethos in action. It was good to hang out with Geoff Ryan and trade thoughts over a breakfast of bacon and egg (easyside over - whatever!!!) and to see the context of his theology. Again the indelible essence of embrace was tangible. I loved ending up in a conversation with a guy - with the longest teeth I've ever seen - once homeless who now sees himself proudly as a member of the 614 family.

I loved the snow and even the black squirrel's; what I didn't love was the immigration service who must have thought I represented the Taliban or something and held me over for further interview - that is a story for another day!


Johnny said…
Sounds like a great trip, Gordon.

...been watching the ministry of the Freeway for a good while now, and it's been constantly inspiring.

darrin said…

I like this post.

Last month you posted this and this quote

The following is a list of the marks of a missionary congregation. However, it is important to note that this is based largely on theoretical work. Another list needs urgently to be constructed out of observation of what actually happens on the ground.The two need then to be in dialogue. Either list has the potential to 'convert' the other list; both stand to gain and be enriched

I like to hear what happens on the ground. The Salvationist had feature article called something like 'It works for us' which was great and inspiring.

Maybe I miss it or can't find it but so often you read some waxing lyrical about a book or a conference but nothing about the actual working out or living out of what has inpsired them.

Now if I could only find an abandoned warehouse/bank/performance space in downtown Bromley


ps have you got anymore heroes like Catherine Hine to blog about...I liked that too
Anonymous said…
Hey Gordon,

As I sit on my couch at home today and sip my tea... I miss you. It was amazing getting to know you and becoming your friend. You are an amzing and inspiring guy. Thanks for teaching us so much.

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