Nicola Garnham..

"Earlier today, after a courageous battle with cancer, Nicola Garnham died. Over the past days family and friends had gathered at Nicola’s bedside to share words from scripture, songs of praise and prayers of hope. At one moment Nicola removed her oxygen mask and prayed, thanking God for the full and miraculous life that he had given her. To the end, her life was marked by the presence and power of the risen Christ. Consequently, while we mourn the loss of a wonderful wife, mother, sister. leader and friend, we celebrate a life well lived and commend Nicola to God in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life."
Nicola with her husband Phil inspired a generation of officers as to what it was to be missionalTSA. She taught mission to twelve sessions of cadets and her impact in the UK territory was and is immense. She encouraged me to develop my mind, recommended books, invited me to teach, taught mission with her when we first came to teach at WBC. Her mind and passion for mission was a gift to TSA and the legacy of her impact will probably never be known - she will be missed by many.

Please remember and pray for the Garnham family - Philip and the children Rebekah, Abigail, Hannah and Sam.


Anonymous said…
A truly inspirational Woman of God!

Nicky has gone to her eternal reward in heaven 'Well done, good and faithful servant. She touched many life's, and will be missed by many.

I thank God for her life, for the influence she had on me as a person. How she inspired me during my days at WBMTC.

Tracey Oliver
jsi said…
She sounds like an incredible woman. Your life sounds richer and more complete because of her impact and love of God and man.

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