Towards Vision 4/4

Joe Noland a Salvation Army Officer with a wealth of experience writes a provocative blog called slightly irregular -I pop into now and then. I missed his little series called Doing Church in the 21st Century: Rediscovering the Mission. Seems to me that his thoughts are helpful to anyone thinking through mission and future direction for their church! (Thanks GR for the tip off).

Following is an outline of “mission distinctives” from my POV, preceded by their “institutional distinctive” counterparts (in italics):

1. Slumber------Awaken: An obvious precursor to relevant mission.

2. Status quo---Attack: “GO!” Aggressive. “…wherever people were to be got at.”

3. Exclusive----Attach: Embrace the culture inclusively – “bind emotionally” (Encarta).

4. Traditional--Adapt: “pas de deux with the culture”- “The law of adaptation.”

5. Irrelevant---Attract: “…convey it by such mediums, as will arouse their attention and interest their minds.”

I think several books have influenced Joe - in particular Mcneal, R. (2003). The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Rediscovering the Mission: Conclusion (6)

Here is Joe Nolands Litmus test
1. Is my church going (attacking, sending out) “wherever people were (are)to be got at,” or does it tend to be building-centered and status quo oriented?

2. Has my church taken on an air of exclusiveness (club, membership mentality), or is it embracing (attaching to, inclusive of) the culture it has been called to reach?

3. Is my church hanging on for dear life to its “stereotyped forms” (traditional ways), or is it adapting its methods in pas de deux (link step)with those desperately in need of the Gospel (including those who might be geographically isolated from the center)?

4. Are people being attracted exponentially to the Gospel without forced conformity to our own institutional, cultural biases?


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