Frank ... a miracle in progress...!

It comes to something when you need to go to the Dr. to get your toenails cut, because to cut your toenails constitutes a risk to life.

Frank is only 3 years older than me but looks like he is nearer 60. Drink in his life has taken its toll and he knows it. Frank is one of the miracles of Faith House, when he first arrived apparently he was all you would expect from an alcoholic whose life was drink and sleeping on the street.

I ask about his training ... "they stopped me in case I cut myself...!"

It comes to something when you need to go to the Dr. to get your toenails cut, because to cut your toenails constitutes a risk to life. I must have looked non-plussed as Frank tells me how his platelets have been decimated in his blood so that the simplest of cuts could have significant consequences.

"It's the drink Gordon, but I am so much better now, I've cut down from 12 to 2 everyday now..."

"12 to 2 cans Frank?"

"No ... litres!"

Frank is a miracle, a miracle in progress..!


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