Bumping into the General...

The look was incredulous and unbelieving.

I had just introduced Eryn to General Shaw Clifton who we happened upon while walking home from school through the grounds of WBC. "...and who is this young lady?" the General asked me offering his hand to Eryn.

As Eryn shook his hand I introduced our youngest daughter. "Well I am very pleased to meet you Eryn" the General offered as his small entourage looked on. Thinking that Eryn didn't have a clue who this man was I thought I'd explain.

"Eryn - this is the General of The Salvation Army...!" Fortunately I think I was the only one to hear her incredulity.

"yeah right...!"

"yeah really....!"


Rob said…
I love it when kids comment!
Was her 'yeah right!' to do with her disbelief of you, or was it a 'so what.. he's only the same as us' kind of statement?
I love it when our kids bring us back to ground level when we reach those elevation attitudes

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