
"Whispers of paedophilia, and of his computer being seized was enough for him to run for London leaving all he owned behind for a new existence on the streets ..."

He came in late to the drop in and made a bee-line for me. He was looking for somewhere to sleep, he needed some food and a sleeping bag. I noticed the deep cut under his left eye as we drank tea together; he began to tell me something of his story. As Jon blinked awkwardly he was keen to tell me that he had a home up in Yorkshire but was homeless in London because of fear.

Fear had driven him out of his home; his neighbours had turned on him. Whispers of paedophilia, and of his computer being seized was enough for him to run for London leaving all he owned behind for a new existence on the streets but not before someone tried to gouge out his eye.

Encounters like that leave more questions than answers. Whatever the circumstances it is good that FH can be a place where fear isn't, even if it is for the length of drinking a cup of tea with someone.


Anonymous said…
just lst night a drunk came in and told us that he loves FH cos he is accepted for who he is!!! And this week we have had a lot of those kind of comments!!!
Thanks Gordon for your view of FH
IanH said…
Hey Gordo - how would it have been different if he actually was a paedophile who was on the run from the parents of a child he had actually abused? I ask this as we are being challenged by a situation here where we have helped a couple who were homeless to discover that he is a serial thug who likes to beat up women. What should a place without fear deal with them? How should we determine the course of justice in these circumstances.
No answers required. Just getting it off my chest.

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