London Citizens... 3 May

This was more like it.

With three days of campaigning left it was good to see Cameron, Clegg and Brown giving their all on issues that were put before them by London Citizens. In the largest gathering of the General Election at Westminster Hall, Gordon Brown was everything that the others weren't.

While I overheard people about me say between their 'awwws' and 'aaaaahs' how they loved Clegg - Gordon Brown was rough, ugly and loud. While Cameron smooched and wooed, even claiming prematurely premiership 'when I am PM' - Gordon Brown was the prize fighter punching through the naivety and 'fresh air' that had proceeded him.

His message was justice, dignity and equity - we saw his heart and not a PR machine tapping out his message. Nothing airbrushed, trimmed and smooth about this.


Johnny said…
Caught the speech on Youtube.

...just wish more people had seen it, and earlier in the campaign.


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