Resourcing Mission - Practical Theology for Changing Churches 2/2

One thing that I definitely will take with me from Helen Cameron's book is what it is to look at the Church's capacity or potential to subvert culture.

It seems to me that kingdom values are able to offer an alternative viewpoint by saying it doesn't have to be this way. Looking at the various cultural forms of church Helen gets us to do just this and through doing so brings confidence. However, subversion seems to be a double edged sword, while the church has the capacity to subvert culture it also has the potential to subvert and compromise the gospel. Helen may bring confidence but it is with a warning.

Theological reflection is therefore key. This is why the 'pastoral cycle' can be seen as so important, in order that our response is built upon looking at the what and why things happen in the light of the bible and Christian tradition?

Looking at what we do in this manner can only be good if we are brave enough to face what we see in the mirror.


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