Pre-occupied church - dinosaurs and kingdom values!!

Just every now and then I get a little mad at the institution that is TSA. I get a little mad when we find ourselves wasting time over issues that show that we are a church pre-occupied with ourselves and not what God has called us to.

I am mad that somewhere someone is wasting time making decisions about what uniform officers can wear and when. I am mad that somewhere someone is wasting time making decisions about blocking certain web sites on TSA UKT server. I am mad that somewhere someone is wasting time making decisions about blocking certain telephone numbers so that they can't be used by officers and staff. I am mad that somewhere someone is wasting time making decisions about how to make us all look more appealing to donors.

I am mad because it represents a waste of time that doesn’t help me get Mr Hopgood into our local SA hostel because he is not the right clientele. It doesn’t help the 94-year-old woman that we found dying with plastic bags on her feet because of the oozing gangrene infection of her lower legs. It doesn’t help us bring cohesion in the name of Jesus in our fragmented inner city community.

Incidentally I am equally as mad at those who take on the institution and fail to notice that the issues they bleat on about are dinosaurs that are fading away. I am mad because in their bleating they have given the dinosaur a shot of adrenaline. To be told what I have to wear as uniform and when is an affront to me – what makes it worse is that the uniform debate was on its way out, I could stomach it, the dinosaur was lying down ready to be fossilised! Guess what – the dinosaur is up and fighting and it represents a monumental waste of my time.

Someone somewhere point out to me where being pre-occupied with anything less than Jesus is a Kingdom value?


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