A week to Read..."Threshold of the Future" Highlights

This week I've finished a couple of journals that have been hopefully lying around and I have been able to throw myself wholeheartedly into Mike Riddell's Threshold of the Future - a book that I dip in and out of but really needs a solid read from start to finish.

Personally I don't want to forget this book so I blog my highlights so that I can re-visit.

M.Riddell (1998) Threshold of the Future: Reforming the Church in the Post-Christian West. SPCK

"The Christian church is dying in the west. This painful fact is the cause of a great deal of avoidance by the Christian community…the terminally sick patient is somewhere between denial and bargaining…the recognition that we are blind and poor and naked is the beginning of hope"

Books like this have been written before and I come out the end feeling miserable and compelled to try out the ecclesiastical panacean special however - this book is not about plunging the church into despair, nor is it selling its wears, rather it is to call the community of Christ back to its radical roots and its essential character as a missionary body.

There is a purity about its agenda.


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