Acting Debut...

Weeks of preparation over - the day has arrived.

Eryn - our youngest daughter soon to be 5 is to play the part of a king in the 'younger years nativity'. I've edged my way into the parental paparatzi. With a good use of elbows I'm in a favourable position - camcorder poised. The lights descend. The play is going well and from the thumbs up Eryn is lapping up the atmosphere. The shepherds and very surprisingly a family of mice have found their way to Bethlehem but now the kings are up and following the star.

They arrive. Mary and Joseph are looking at the three regally dressed 5-year olds with anticipation. From the thumbs up and waving Eryn the third king is still confident.

"I bring gold" the first king whispers. "I bring frankincense" the second king mumbles - pah! no home parental tuition, where is the diction, the pathos - Eryn still confident smiles and with strength and conviction says "and I bring....Merv".

Way to go Eryn - her satirical energy somehow lost on the rest of the parents - but I loved it!


[Merv Hughes was an Australian Cricketeer who terrorised England batsmen in the 1980s and 90s]


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