The smell of mission...

Smells of Christmas - who'd be without them, roasting turkey, potatoes, pickles, warmed mince pies, chestnuts. There is one smell of Christmas I have got used to even though it's mere pungency can sometimes be overwhelming.

Overwhelming it was this year.

When you have 70+ people many of whom have no family; 70+ people many of whom are not simply not wanted; 70+ people many of whom have nowhere to go associated smells are not that difficult to imagine. The associated smells are not that intangible Even without the epic stomach turning Mr Foster of last year, this years "eau de pee pee" vintage was memorable.

As I drove people home afterwards - the mini-bus a microcosm of the days madness and love - I got thinking - I wonder what the emerging church smells like on Christmas day? Any lack of "eau de pee pee" I think I'd prefer to remain submerged!

The day has gone really well - but right at the end we were rocked. Judith came in right at the end - she needed to see someone on Christmas Day - a food parcel her request - she left clasping a present from us but left us feeling shocked. Her daughter was murdered two days ago - stabbed in Hackney.

I hope that it was a drunken mistruth, but with no real means to question - it kind of takes the shine off things .


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