Make Poverty History 2005

In a couple of hours we'll be catching the train to Edinburgh. I'm sure that when the G8 hear the voice of our youth club they'll see sense!!

I'm looking forward to a long train journey. I haven't done that for years. I'm looking forward to some quality time with some quality young people and workers. I'm looking forward to being part of a community of solidarity. I hope the church's involvement points beyond themselves to a God of love, care and justice.

"Being the people of God, being community, being in solidarity is not some strange afterthought on the part of God. God is a community of persons as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and, as such, God is the great community-builder. God’s concern has been to create a people who will reflect in the world something of God’s love, care and justice" (Ringma 1994:151)
Ringma, C (1994) Catch the Wind. Regent College


Hey! Look out for my eldest, Sarah, with a big smile and wearing.....white. She is representing our household, and both St Paul's Kersal and Failsworth Corps. I have to come to London for the next church conflict course running through next week, so sadly I won't be there.
Have a great trip!
I pray that God will be by your side at all times and that this step of solidarity will reap justice for the poor of this world.

And great quote from Ringma. May God continue calling all of us to be a people reflecting His love, care and justice.

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