Time to move...

Time has been called on our stint at Poplar.

8 years of ministry that has given me far more than I have been able to give. 8 years of ministry that have shaped me and moulded me. 8 years of ministry that have formed the foundations of my officership. 8 years that sometimes have been hard, sometimes painful, but mostly joyous 8 years that in the highs and lows have always been nothing but fulfilling. 8 years of being part of a fragmented community being used to try and bring cohesion. 8 years of this view from our bedroom - it is going to be tough to move. It's going to be tough to not be involved in local church ministry as we are now. Tough to let go.
"...I love this place, our community, our church but now it is time for something new..."

I love this place, our community, our church but now it is time for something new. A new chapter. In July we're to be responsible for the Spiritual Programme together with the teaching of Missiology at the Training College for SA officers - so it'll goodbye Patrick, Victor, Marcus, Janet and the crew.

We feel privileged and peaceful about the future - but desperately sad. Sad to leave people behind that have been part of our family, that we have journeyed with and grown with. Sad to leave a team that work so well together and with whom we share so much fulfilment. So in July we move on.

As for the post July future of URBANarmy I have to think.


Kelly said…
i am so saddened by this news. will their be officers moving in to take your place? it's good that cadets will be trained by such wonderful officers. officers who have experience in such a trying environment. i do hope you continue URBANarmy, even if under another name. it will be interesting to receive the perspective of an officer on staff at the training college contrasting the work you've been involved in for the past eight years.

Kapten Clark said…
It's amazing that you know already! In USA East, moves are announced the middle of May for a farewell the end of June and taking up the new appointment the beginning of July.

Reading about your friends in Poplar has reminded me so much of mine in Chester, Pennsylvania (third poorest city in America). But I'm sure God will bring other characters into your life at the Training College!
BrownEyedGirl said…
What a contrast of appointments. Praise God! Cadets (in my opinion) should always be trained by people who have just come from the front lines. Your passion for people and your experiences in Poplar will enrich their lives as it has ours. May God settle your hearts into this next chapter.
Anonymous said…
Blessings on you and your family in your new adventure, and through the transition.
Anonymous said…
Hi Gordon,

Greetings from your Finnish friend Minna - remember the context group with a task to provide some insights for discussion? I resigned from officership in 2001, and was surfing on the net as I found out that a new general has been elected. It is amazing how many familiar names there were on the high council - and now John Matear being made the new TC to follow Shaw Clifton.

Anyway, that's how I found your blog - by googling "Shaw Clifton". It is amazing that you've been at Poplar all these years, hopefully feeling fullfilled in your life.

Your new appointment is great, I remember Phil Garnham referring to you as "mission man" eight years ago!

A big hug from Minna
Dave C said…
Congrats on your new appointment. As Kapten Clark put it, being from the USA East, it is very strange to find out now about a move in June. I figured when I read the first couple of lines that you would be moving in about 5 weeks. That's usually all we have. Of course, for one of our moves we had 3 weeks. Barely enough time to pack!

Anyway, I'm sure God will bless you and bless the cadets that are placed in our classes. Teach them well.

In His Grip,
Dave Collins
Gordon said…
Kelly - we're really pleased with our replacement. Someone who loves Patrick! Also Bram who is part of the leadership team is hanging about so there is some continuity.
Gordon said…
Mina - what a great surprise. I thought the same when I saw the high council! What is nice is that they all seemed pleased to see me - so we couldn't have offended them too much !!

That was nice of Phil ! I should read more novels perhaps!!

Hope you are well - It would be good to hear what you are up to - my email is up on teh right.
Gordon said…
they changed the way the moves came out in order to allow families to find and get places in new schools.

Thanks for the support and votes of confidence!

We're going to miss local church leadership enormously.
ScottB said…
Wow - that's a huge change! Prayers and blessings for the transition. I hope you continue to blog - I don't comment often but I'm always encouraged / challenged by your writing.
Anonymous said…

God Bless you and Kate and your family as you make the big change. Your challenge will be not to conform and settle for less than passionate mission values.

What a great idea to have appointments announced so early, it gives everyone time to plan and adjust. Let's hope the idea catches on.

I do hope you continue to blog as your insights are very valuable and inspiring.

Once again God Bless you all.

Kathryn said…
Oh Gordon,- I'm just beginning to realise how much it will hurt to let go in ministry, (not going anywhere for another couple of years, but I'm someone who tends to do their worrying well in advance!)while realising that my involvement here is nothing like as all-demanding as your family's ministry in Poplar has been. Can just imagine how it might feel...but maybe good for the children to have a gentler environment for a while, and certainly a huge blessing for the cadets to have you and Kate with them.
PLEASE continue to blog...I can't beleive you won't find things to make us think, and perspectives on God's love, whatever your context for ministry.
Love and prayers for all of you for this unsettling phase...
Rob said…

Exciting and sad news all mixed into one.

Reminds me of when i had to change my role. It'll be hard coming back from the chalk face, but really exciting to know that your experiences will result in lots more being prepared to do even greater things than you.

God Bless - time for coffee before you go?
Gordon said…
Thanks for all the affirmation :o)

Rob - Bluewater is still in striking distance - I think I'll be in need of an escape!! So coffee is still very much on the agenda. It would be good to meet soon though!
weareallghosts said…
Glad to hear you are moving to Training College but saddend to hear you are leaving your Corps... Bittersweet! but the Lord has His plans for you and your wife's lives...

We need people like you teaching our future... people who care about the Victors and Ralphs of this world... people who are savvy with this whole blogging malarky and have a reach far wider than their "parish"...

Many blessings for your journey... who knows, you may teach me one day :-)

Thomas, Motherwell
ETLnetwork said…
Thomas - it'll be interesting teaching someone who looks like a character from south park ;o) - thanks for teh encouragement

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