Does my face look bothered...

"...does my
face look bothered..?"
Then one year General John Larrson spent Christmas Day with us. The folk that day remembered him and were bothered when he didn't come the next year. "Where's that bloke who could play the piano? How are we going to sing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" without a pianist?...You should get him back!" John Larrson - the pianist ... they were bothered. John Larrson the General ... I'm afraid they simply were not bothered.
Disrespectful? I hope not, more that people are bothered about are the flows within community that comes from local church. The impact that happens at grass roots, coal face whatever you want to call it. The drip down effect has a long way to drip. Has the office of General in the past made any impact on our local ministry? Probably indirectly several times removed but by and large no - we carry on doing what we feel is right. Its at the local it happens.
Will things be different under Shaw Clifton? Time will tell.
pictured Catherine Tait whose catchphrase is "does my face look bothered!"
- how could we expect common/real/normal people to remember our generals when we have trouble remembering them ourselves? I for one have never heard of General Larrson - though I have vague memories of a General Larsson...being an exceptionally good pianist...and a humble & gracious man, a real pleasure to be around...
Few of the regulars realised that we had the leader of the territory with us, and I'm convinced the corps was better off for it!