Victor's latest...

I caught Victor as he was leaving. We haven't had the greatest of relationships recently and I have had to say 'no' several times. So I thought it was time for a 'non-moany' chat.

Victor moved into a new housing trust last year and it isn't going well. He feels that his neighbour upstairs has a vendetta on him. Victor's response has been to sleep on the streets. It's cold right now - he has a warm flat but his solution is to sleep in the doorway of the church.

"I'm pretty warm you know..!" ... "But Victor you have a flat..?"

Then he shows me a letter. I sigh as I read how he is in arrears with his rent. I sigh as I read the terse letter telling him to sort himself out or he will be evicted. I sigh as I project Victor six months and know he will be joining the vast army of street homeless with mental health problems. I sigh as I know I will have to make a phone call.

"Wait here Vic..."

I take the letter and call the number and explain how Victor needs help and not these kind of letters . I explain how Victor buys flutes like a child buys lollies so that he can mutilate them by thinking he can turn them into saxophones. I explain how his flute talks to him, how there is a plot in the palace to get him instigated by George V - whose death is an elaborate lie. I explain not only that but now the Duke of Edinburgh is involved.

" you think that this guy can cope with the kind of letter you have just sent him?"

"I think we need to contact his support worker...!"

I'm glad I caught Victor for a chat..!


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