Christian Resources Exhibition...

I spoke this morning at the Christian Resources Exhibition , in a little seminar room I talked about 'Belief in Action' in the local community. I just noticed that we've even got a little bio on the site.

So I talked about Poplar and its stories, showed a video backed by Phil Collins 'Somewhere' to the handful of people that graciously came! (5 mins to start there was the sound technician, the woman who was hosting the room and one other!) -

When I finished I spent some time wandering the stalls of 'Christianabilia'. It was nice to pass on my appreciation to Dave of CartoonChurch, it was fun to watch the Welsh Evangelistic conjurer, it was great to bump into some special friends - but by and large I'm not entirely sure what I made of it all.

It seemed to be a case of being a race to give you a 'logo'ed' carrier bag first for you to put the armful of leaflets that showered you should you be unfortunate enough to smile at the wrong person. Scripture Union had the last laugh. They had the biggest bag on site with a slinky over the shoulder option - which swallowed up the light weight all-comers! Their stall did a roaring trade of helping the unfortuate light-weights into their superior SU bags - all with a smile!
We Christians seem to do grace so well!

A tower of molten chocolate was a big draw for one stall, the smell teasingly wafting across the exhibition drawing all kinds into its confectionary spell. "If you let me have you name and address we'll let you have a marshmallow to dip into the chocolate" went the patter.

"What a lovely picture of grace!" I replied smiling "but I think I'll pass on that!"

Grace seemed to be an ongoing theme - I got sucked into buying a couple of books. "All half price Sir..." I was hooked. When he charged me I looked quizzically "Half price?"

"sorry ... only if you sign up to our mailing list and catalogue!"

We Christians seem to do grace so well! I did sign up to get the half price books and let him keep the change! :o)


I am bracing the 'would you like our leaflet' conference on Thursday too...sometimes its handy in that someone actually has what you need! Sometimes its fun just see how odd we Christians really are.

You gotta love CRE!!
Gordon said…
Have fun - look out for the conjurer - I think he might be a useful resource for you guys geographically! Take a big rucksack or look grumpy! :o)
Rob said…
I've managed to avoid CRE for years and your relection confirms what I fear ... lots of people collecting glossies and/or spend money that makes them feel good as they are doing 'the Christian thing', yet when they could be inspired to make a real significant difference in the lives if individuals by attending a seminar like 'belief in action in the community' they go to th chocolate fountain instead!

Glad to hear people like you are there though - it mens at least some get to be inspired by great examples of true grace in the community.

Have a great week.
Gordon said…
Thanks rob - we should meet for a coffee before we start packing!

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