Obscurism...Douglas Coupland Generation X

"Obscurism - The practice of peppering daily life with obscure references (forgotten films, dead TV stars, unpopular books, defunct countries, etc.) as a subliminal means of showcasing both one's education and one's wish to disassociate from the world of mass culture". (Douglas Coupland Generation X)

I wondering today to what degree the dialogues I enter perpetuate a theological obscurism that while tickling the fancy of my intellectual ego – actually does very little for the kingdom.

I wondering how careful I need to be that my "internal ecclesiastical conversations" don’t dominate so that a disassociation from the world of mass culture occurs.

I’m struggling today with what missiological difference do debates peppered with theological obscurism for and by theological obscurists actually make. I’m wondering whether there is room for a theology of "so what!"

I smile as I write this… d'you know what… I think I'm guilty!


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